Choose Positive People
We started sharing our experience with optimism last week and now it is time for a second instalment of #optimismtips:
Optimism tip 2: choose positive people
This might seem quite obvious, but it is worth noting: in order to maintain a positive outlook on life you need to surround yourself with positive people.
Some friendships last for decades without any tangible contribution to each other's well-being, they usually start as circumstantial (sat next to each other at school, played in the same band, did skateboarding together) and then just linger on. But you need time to develop friendships - and time is a limited resource.
In order to stay optimistic you might need to get realistic and re-evaluate your "crew", especially if you tend to spend a lot of time with your friends.
Optimism is contagious and has power in numbers. Sharing a dream with your friend can elevate your friendship to a whole new level, but even if you are dramatically different people with different ambitions you can find common ground: see the beauty of everyday, support each other, smile like you mean it and carry on being a good person.
What is your favourite optimism technique? How do you cope with the rainy days? Please share with us in the comments and let's spread some positivity here!
x Dan
Optimism tip 2: choose positive people
This might seem quite obvious, but it is worth noting: in order to maintain a positive outlook on life you need to surround yourself with positive people.
Some friendships last for decades without any tangible contribution to each other's well-being, they usually start as circumstantial (sat next to each other at school, played in the same band, did skateboarding together) and then just linger on. But you need time to develop friendships - and time is a limited resource.
In order to stay optimistic you might need to get realistic and re-evaluate your "crew", especially if you tend to spend a lot of time with your friends.
Optimism is contagious and has power in numbers. Sharing a dream with your friend can elevate your friendship to a whole new level, but even if you are dramatically different people with different ambitions you can find common ground: see the beauty of everyday, support each other, smile like you mean it and carry on being a good person.
What is your favourite optimism technique? How do you cope with the rainy days? Please share with us in the comments and let's spread some positivity here!
x Dan